Monday, February 22, 2010

Leprosy: Lesions and respiratory effects, what's not to love Vancouver?

The International Office of Epizootics has declared the armadillo as being the only other living creature, besides humans, to contract Leprosy. A new reason for me to fear armadillos is here! The armored insectivore has yet to make the North American Trek to Vancouver or even Canada for that matter, but a rare and unusual coincidence has occurred this past weekend…

A crew member aboard an Olympic personnel ship was diagnosed with the chronic disease by health officials on Friday. The ship, docked at a Vancouver’s city harbor, housed police and Canadian Forces serving at the 2010 Games. The crew member who remains unnamed, reportedly did not come in contact with any passengers, as he worked primarily in the engine room.

Everyone aboard the ship was tested and no one else has contracted the disease — yet. But the disease could still spread, although the risk is low. However, the infected crew member is reported to be on his way back home.

The feeling that I was missing out on a tremendous event in Canadian history has somewhat simmered since the commencement of the 2010 Games. And now the petite wish to physically be in Vancouver has completely vanished.

However, I think being out west right now would be better than having to sit through “I Believe” commercials and hear the cheesy “I Believe” song. And don’t get me started on the ridiculousness of Olympic athletes (who have little to no body fat), promoting MacDonald’s and Coca-Cola...? Yes, a fast food chain does make the most sense to be an official sponsor to a world wide event that is not only sport-based but is all consumed by Sporty Spices.

Whatevs, “Go Canada Go!” Patriotism is so in right now, don’tcha know?!

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